1 oz | 30 ml
Naked Elixir is a tantalizing medley of granny smith apples perfectly blended with refreshing honeydew and pear along with other scrumptious ingredients to create an elixir that is delightful.
If you want a sexy, fresh scent that is different and bright...this is it.
Naked Kitty Elixir is handmade and derived from organic plants, fruits and oil to aid in deodorizing, moisturizing, balancing and neutralizing the outer feminine area for all day freshness!
Naked Kitty Elixir
Use a dime size amount, 2-3 times daily on top of the vagina, under labia throughout the vulva for daily preventive maintenance.With daily use, antioxidants promotes healthy intimate skin. Also, used to fragrant, soothe, moisturize, protect and heal your intimate skin. Best to use after cleansing.